Batenburg-Van de Merwe ~ Once again, A super Year 2010 !
They were very successful, with on the day of liberation, 8 pigeons in the clock from a distance of 1.002 km … and the following morning at 07h22, 25 of the 53 clocked … an impressive final for the wonder duo from Klaaswaal …
In the ZLU classic Perpignan, with 5.410 pigeons, Batenburg-Van de Merwe had their ‘finest hour’ of 2010 … expressed in National figures, the series can be referred to as more than excellent with 9.-12.-21.-55.-83.-etc. against 5.410 pigeons. If we look at the arrival times linked to these prizes, then the performance in this +1.000 km competition is even more impressive:
20h41 - 20h42 – 20h50 – 21h07 – 21h17 – 21h30 – 21h40 – 21h55.
The following morning at 7h22 the counter stood at 25 Perpignan pigeons … when at 7.49 and 7.58 the first two yearlings reported home from National sector II race Cahors, to earn the 11.and 14. place against 10.323 pigeons … and with this completing the glorious weekend of the 31st of July.
National focus
“As the season progressed, the pigeons kept improving,” evaluates Hugo, who manly concentrates on the races organised by the famous Zuid Limburgse Unie (ZLU). “Those are real national races, in which the whole of the Netherlands is liberated at the same time and there is a result for the whole of the Netherlands. I love it when the pigeons are liberated in the morning for a distance of 900 to 1000 km and arrive home the same evening … Beautiful!” Hugo’s renowned ‘Witbuik’-stock, with its unyielding character, seems to be perfectly at home in these classics. The total list of National top 100 classifications that Hugo and Anita amassed in 2010, support this fact even more:
9. National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
11. National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
12. National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
14. National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
14. National Bordeaux 5.660 pigeons 2010
21. National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
23. National Pau 2.657 pigeons 2010
24. National Narbonne 3.850 pigeons 2010
30. National Tarbes 2.950 pigeons 2010
40. National St.Vincent 5.336 pigeons 2010
55. National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
66. National Cahors 6.397 pigeons 2010
74. National St.Vincent 5.336 pigeons 2010
79. National Bordeaux 5.660 pigeons 2010
83. National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
94. National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
Top pigeons
Hugo explains the breeding policy behind the success. “Everything revolves around the ‘Witbuik’ family, Jan Aarden origin obtained via granddad J. Versendaal from Strijen, who had them from legendary men so as Bakker Barendrecht (Puttershoek) and Piet Lazeroms (Zegge). To prevent close inbreeding, fresh blood is obtained, where only the performances are used as a guide: only very good racing pigeons or youngsters are allowed to act as crossing material for ‘De Witbuiken’.” Hugo races all the racing pigeons with a nest and when necessary consults Piet Blanke (Belgium) orJan van Wanrooy (Belgica de Weerd).
In 2010 the following Batenburg-diamonds were the eye-catchers of the champions colony:
* NL07-1765713 ‘Miss Narbonne’, in 2010 winner of 11. Nat. Narbonne 3.773 pigeons, also 3. Nat. hens 856 pigeons and 51. Internat. 14.457 pigeons and 74. Nat. St. Vincent 5.336 pigeons. This is a real top hen which has previously won 32. Nat. Bordeaux 2009. In addition she red the winner of 83. Nat. Perpignan 2010. Her father is a grandson of ‘De Witbuik’ and mother comes out ‘Brassie’ (2. Nat. St. Vincent - 20. Nat. Montauban - 82. Nat. Perpignan).
* NL06-1014661 ‘Lady Tarbes’, in 2010 winner 30. Nat. Tarbes 2.950 pigeons & 55. Nat. Perpignan 5.410 pigeons, after already winning a.o. 252. Nat. St. Vincent 2009, 331. Nat. Tarbes 2009, 483. Nat. Perpignan 2009 and 228. Nat. Tarbes 2008. She comes out a grandson of ‘De Witbuik’ x ‘Kweekmoedertje 145’, who bred a.o the winner of 13. Nat. - 18. Nat. - 21. Nat. - 24. Nat. - 30. Nat. - 51. Nat. - 44. Nat. - 86. Internat. - 98. Nat. … This 145 is a granddaughter of ‘Kleine Didi’ (1. Nat. Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB)
* NL07-1765709, full sister of ‘Lady Tarbes’ and in 2010 winner of 21. Nat. Perpignan 5.410 pigeons (97. Internat. 15.857 pigeons) … in previous years she won 103. Nat. Narbonne 2009, 143. Nat. Mt. de Marsan 2009.
* NL07-1765748 ‘Bonte Narbonne’, another brother of ‘Lady Tarbes’ and winner 24. Nat. Narbonne 3.850 pigeons in 2010.
* NL07-1765741 ‘Daniek’, winner of 12. Nat. Perpignan 5.410 pigeons in 2010, also 58. Internat. against 15.857 pigeons. Her father had already bred ‘Jin Pao’, the winner of 2. Nat. Bordeaux against 13.574 pigeons and is a son of ‘De Kerstman’ (1. Nat. St. Vincent 16.515 pigeons). Mother comes out top hen ‘Miss Bergerac’, 3. National Ace pigeon Grand Distance Versele Laga and winner 13. Nat. St. Vincent - 14. Nat. Bergerac - 15. Nat. St. Vincent - 27. Nat. Bergerac.
* NL07-1765799 ‘Maja’, a jewel which won in 2010 23. Nat. Pau 2.657 pigeons (5. Nat. hens) and 153. Nat. Marseille 3.248 pigeons. In 2009 she won 19. Nat. Perpignan 6.505 pigeons. Her father is ‘As 155’ (1. Ace pigeon Extreme Long Distance 2006, grandson St. Vincent-cock) and mother is ‘Marie’ (6. Nat. Carsasonne hens), daughter of 1. Ruffec winner‘Guus’.
* FR08-518848 ‘Jack’ won 9. Nat. Perpignan 5.410 pigeons in 2010 and was bred by Moulin Rouge Breeding Stud … he is inbred to ‘De Prins’ (father 1. Internat. Pau 1994).
* NL08-1138084 classified herself as 11. Nat. Cahors … her father comes out the ‘Blauwe Vanoppen’ (Wijnands) and mother is a beautiful hen from‘Jonge Wittenbuik’
* List of Top National 100 from 1999 ~ 2010:
2nd National Bordeaux 13.574 pigeons 2009
2nd National Mont de Marsan 7.245 pigeons 2003
3rd National Cahors 7.321 pigeons 1999
4th National St.Vincent 6.385 pigeons 2004
6th National Montauban 8.514 pigeons 2009
6th National Barcelona 7.520 pigeons 2007
9th National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
9th National Bordeaux 3.235 pigeons 2006
10th National Montauban 5.711 pigeons 2000
11th National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
11th National Marseille 3.999 pigeons 2009
11th National Narbonne 3.773 pigeons 2009
11th National St.Vincent 8.556 pigeons 1999
12th National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
12th National Bordeaux 7.409 pigeons 2006
13th International Barcelona 25.820 pigeons 2007
13th National St.Vincent 7.999 pigeons 2000
13th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
14th National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
14th National Bordeaux 5.660 pigeons 2010
14th National Bergerac 11.953 pigeons 2000
15th National St.Vincent 8.556 pigeons 1999
15th National Perpignan 5.294 pigeons 2007
16th National Bordeaux 12.423 pigeons 2008
18th National Perpignan 6.505 pigeons 2009
18th National Bordeaux 8.051 pigeons 2007
18th National St.Vincent 7.999 pigeons 2000
19th National Perpignan 6.505 pigeons 2009
20th National Bergerac 13.001 pigeons 2005
20th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
21st National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
21st National Tarbes 5.210 pigeons 2007
21st National St.Vincent 6.385 pigeons 2004
23rd National Pau 2.657 pigeons 2010
24th National Narbonne 3.850 pigeons 2010
25th National Dax 5.617 pigeons 2002
25th National Perpignan 6.299 pigeons 2005
25th National Pepignan 4.719 pigeons 2006
26th National Narbonne 3.816 pigeons 2008
27th National Bergerac 14.284 pigeons 1999
28th National Narbonne 3.773 pigeons 2009
30th National Tarbes 2.950 pigeons 2010
30th National Narbonne 2.563 pigeons 2006
31st National Narbonne 3.773 pigeons 2009
31st National Bordeaux 3.890 pigeons 2004
32th National Bordeaux 12.423 pigeons 2008
32th National Bordeaux 3.890 pigeons 2004
33rd National Perpignan 4.719 pigeons 2006
33rd National Perpignan 6.505 pigeons 2009
34th National Bordeaux 13.574 pigeons 2009
36th National Perpignan 5.622 pigeons 2008
36th National Bordeaux 8.149 pigeons 2003
36th National Mont de Marsan 3.699 pigeons 2006
37th National Narbonne 3.816 pigeons 2008
37th National Mont de Marsan 6.220 pigeons 2002
39th National Narbonne 2.563 pigeons 2006
39th National Bergerac 14.429 pigeons 2006
40th National St.Vincent 5.336 pigeons 2010
41st National Perpignan 6.299 pigeons 2005
42th National Carcassonne 3.167 pigeons 2006
44th National Perpignan 5.622 pigeons 2008
44th National Pau 2.493 pigeons 1999
45th National Perpignan 5.622 pigeons 2008
45th National St.Vincent 5.232 pigeons 2007
46th National Perpignan 7.195 pigeons 2000
46th National Perpignan 6.299 pigeons 2005
48th National Montauban 8.307 pigeons 2008
49th National Narbonne 3.843 pigeons 2007
50th National Narbonne 3.843 pigeons 2007
51st National Barcelona 7.043 pigeons 2008
53rd National St.Vincent 5.232 pigeons 2007
53rd National Bordeaux 7.409 pigeons 2006
54th National Bordeaux 4.748 pigeons 2001
55th National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
55th National Perpignan 7.195 pigeons 2000
56th National Dax 5.617 pigeons 2002
58th National Perpignan 5.622 pigeons 2008
58th National St.Vincent 8.556 pigeons 1999
59th National Bordeaux 7.409 pigeons 2006
60th National Bergerac 12.870 pigeons 2001
61st National Montauban 5.711 pigeons 2000
61st National St.Vincent 5.909 pigeons 2004
62th National Perpignan 5.294 pigeons 2007
63rd National St.Vincent 5.201 pigeons 2008
63rd National Perpignan 5.294 pigeons 2007
64th National St.Vincent 7.999 pigeons 2000
65th National Bordeaux 3.235 pigeons 2006
66th National Cahors 6.397 pigeons 2010
68th National St.Vincent 6.621 pigeons 2005
69th National Narbonne 2.563 pigeons 2006
69th National Tarbes 4.011 pigeons 2008
71st National Bergerac 14.093 pigeons 2002
74th National St.Vincent 5.336 pigeons 2010
74th National Bergerac 14.429 pigeons 2006
75th National Bergerac 11.953 pigeons 2000
75th National St.Vincent 6.829 pigeons 2006
76th National St.Vincent 5.232 pigeons 2007
77th National Montauban 4.882 pigeons 1999
77th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
78th National St.Vincent 5.232 pigeons 2007
78th National Bordeaux 4.000 pigeons 2007
78th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
79th National Bordeaux 5.660 pigeons 2010
79th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
80th National Pau 2.758 pigeons 2000
80th National Bergerac 14.424 pigeons 2006
81st National Barcelona 7.520 pigeons 2007
81st National Barcelona 7.491 pigeons 2005
81st National Perpignan 4.719 pigeons 2006
81st National St.Vincent 6.829 pigeons 2006
82th National Barcelona 6.419 pigeons 1999
83rd National Perpignan 5.410 pigeons 2010
83rd National Perpignan 5.294 pigeons 2007
83rd National Perpignan 6.299 pigeons 2005
84th National Bergerac 12.870 pigeons 2001
85th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
85th National Perpignan 4.719 pigeons 2006
86th National Barcelona 8.713 pigeons 2002
86th National Mont de Marsan 6.220 pigeons 2002
87th National Bergerac 10.903 pigeons 2007
87th National St. Vincent 8.556 pigeons 1999
87th National Pau 2.413 pigeons 2006
88th National Dax 4.328 pigeons 2001
90th National Narbonne 2.992 pigeons 2005
91st National Tarbes 5.210 pigeons 2007
91st National Cahors 7.321 pigeons 1999
93rd National Bergerac 12.125 pigeons 2004
94th National Cahors 10.323 pigeons 2010
97th National Dax 4.328 pigeons 2001
98th National St.Vincent 5.909 pigeons 2004
99th National Bergerac 11.953 pigeons 2000
100thNational Marseille 4.539 pigeons 2008
100thNational Perpignan 5.890 pigeons 2003
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