The yearling “Braven” : 09-3137655 from Anthony Maes from Waregem won Blois for old birds and Blois for yearlings in the I.W.F.
Both by the 773 old birds as by the 1083 yearlings, the victory went to “den Braven” from Anthony Maes in the Industrielaan in Waregem, from a distance of 396 km with an average speed of 1184,61 m/min.
Pigeon sport in the house of Anthony and Chantal Maesis only possible thanks to the unmissable help and efforts of Chantal who takes care of the pigeons for 80%. They manage a wholesalers in fruit and Anthony is away from home a great deal because of his busy work commitments…..result: he can only take over the care of the pigeons in the evening and limits his input to walking through the lofts to see if everything is OK….”But to be honest”: says Anthony….”Chantal does it marvellously ! “.
They used to live in Roeselare, but because of the wholesalers they have moved to the industrial park in Waregem, , from where they have now been actively involved in the races for three years…….and…..with success …….
“Den Braven” : 09-3137655 already has the following prizes included in his honours list:
10th Ablis 522p
20th Ablis 506p
3rd Clermont 92p
281st Tours 2045p
258th Tours 2257p
159th Chateauroux 4107p
And now the 1st Blois o.b. 773p and the 1st Blois yearlings 1083p
Lineage of “den Braven” :
Father: “den 806”: 3072806-05 ( comes out the 3108212/04 which won the 1st provincial Chateauroux in ’05 against 7206 p)
Mother: “’t Blauwke” 3144238-04 ( originating from Charles Matthys from Houtave)
At the moment Anthony has 5 brothers from “den Braven” which also do well. We will limit ourselves to the better results of two of them:
“Den Bonten”: 3143261-06 won amongst other things: the 2nd Tours 421p – 16th Ablis 772p – 4th Orléans 261p – 16th Ablis 410p – 7th Orléans 844p – 246th nat Bourges 27506p in ’09 – 46th prov Argenton 1398p – 46th prov Bourges I 2710p in ’10 ……Definitely not just average!!!
“den 02”: 3137602-09: 5th Clermont 92p – 19th Ablis 275p - 35th prov Tours 2450p - 23rd prov Chateauroux 4107p - 141st prov Argenton 3250p - 27th prov Limoges 3079p…..Also a top racer:
Then there are 2 other promising yearlings:
“’t Rostje Gueret”: 3137660-09 wherefrom the father and the mother were bought in the total auction of the late Roger Degraeve, the great champion from Voormezele.
This pigeon won the following prizes: the 79th prov Argenton 2635p in ’09 – 12th prov Gueret 2178p in ’09 , in 2010 it won within the time span of 6 weeks …..the 74th prov Bourges I against 2054p – 99th prov Chateauroux 2095p – 231st prov Tours 3501p – 82nd prov Chateauroux 4107p - 458th prov Tours 3085p - 407th prov Argenton 3250p.
- Another strongly performing yearling is “’t Schoon Blauw”: 3137626-09 with the following prizes to his name : the 5th Soissons 301p –the 4th Clermont 248p –the 4th Ablis 185p –the 45th prov Bourges 2054p –the 125th prov Argenton 3250p –the 63rd prov Tours 3085p –the 322nd prov Limoges 3079p and the 524th prov Chateauroux 4107p.This “Schoon Blauw” stems from the “Jan” (Derreveaux from Kluisbergen) x “’t Blauw Bouckaert”. This “Jan” 4269801-06 was in turn an exceptionally good pigeon…..his honours list includes: an 18th Ablis 410p, a 3rd Orléans 261p, a 22nd Blois 1022p, a 3rd Ablis 422p, a 74th Argenton 1398p, a 3rd Tours 367p, a 29th Orléans 844p, a 4th Ablis 379p, an 11st Tours 431p….
That was our look at the winning pigeon from Blois o.b. and yearlings in the I.W.F. from 10-11 July……and the sporting worth of the colony of Anthony & Chantal Maes , wherefrom the successes year after year jump out at you more and more…definitely a loft to follow in the future…..We wish them our warmest congratulations with the provincial victory(s)….and finally we are pleased to print the following at the request of Anthony….….
” Will you please thank my wife Chantal, because without her I wouldn’t have time to keep pigeons!”
…..Voilà…… words straight from the heart of a very grateful pigeon fancier directed at his wife……
Beautiful !!!
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