vendredi 23 juillet 2010

The combination Vergaerde – Denolf - Jabbeke (BE) wins 1st provincial Soustons yearlings West-Flanders, 2nd national and…2nd international !

The combination Vergaerde – Denolf - Jabbeke (BE) wins 1st provincial Soustons yearlings West-Flanders, 2nd national and…2nd international !

Success in the extreme long distance with nest pigeons !! The weather conditions (heat and thunderstorms) turned the international race from Soustons for yearlings a real journey from hell !

The “Soustons” 3131943-09 (as we shall call him) from the duo Vergaerde – Denolf from Jabbeke completed the, for him, 890 km with a velocity of 927,22 m/min and with this won international the 2nd against 10261 contemporaries, was the 2nd national against 8517 pigeons and was the 1st provincial against 1699 in West-Flanders.
For the beach visitors who drive in the direction of Oostende the borough Jabbeke lies on the E40 …..directly in front of the junction of the E40 with the A10. So we are therefore in the northern part of the Belgian coastal province.

The duo Vergaerde – Denolf is a husband-wife combination who both earn a living in the care sector. In reality this means : early, late, night and weekend shifts…..Seeing that this gives inconveniences on a weekly basis during the racing season, the couple have opted to only race the international races ( 6 in total ) and this with the classic nest game. Both the cocks and the hens are basketted.
They had previously won the 1st provincial from Ruffec in ’97, the 1st and 2nd provincial from Nantes in 2003 and the victory from Soustons is consequently their 3rd provincial triumph. “Each time won when it is sweltering “ they add !
Their pigeon colony is built up with the old sort from Deschacht-Denduyver from Westkerke, supplemented with pigeons from Jelle Jellema and from Frans van Peperstraeten, both from the Netherlands, and from Herman Van Belleghem from Snellegem. Annually 40-tal studs can overwinter here. For the 2010 season the racing team consisted of 20 old and 16 yearlings. In addition they further only have 2 breeding couples and every year 30 youngsters are ringed.
In the province West-Flanders, under the organisation of the IWV for the provincial doublings there were 1699 yearlings basketted. The “Soustons” 3131943-09 from Vergaerde – Denolf is a cock which was basketted with a small youngster. His previous wins include 47th / 271 p from Bourges I.
Where the lineage is concerned we come across the following names !
Father: “Son Nirvana”: Nl-06-1576829 ( Jelle Jellema from Friesland-Nl) , in turn coming out the “Nirvana” x “Jade”. The “Nirvana” won self 12 x overnight and 8 x within the top-100 national.
Mother: “Sproete” B -05-3182976 ( predominantly old sort Deschacht-Denduyver). She won self 2 x per 10 from St Vincent and as a 2 and 3-year old she won from Pau, was then stopped and put to breed. She comes out the Nl-04-2247751 ( Frans van Peperstraeten) with the “Goe Blauwe” B-01-3063043, who is the sister of the 1st semi-nat. Ruffec and has already produced 6 various descendants which have won within the top-100 national.

A half-brother 06-3199901 of “the Soustons” (out the same mother) has already achieved the following results : 187th national Barcelona ’09, with in the Fond club Gistel the 4th prize and the 23rd provincial. In 2010 he won from Barcelona in the Fond club Gistel the 12th against 352p, prov. the 66th against 1901 pigeons, nat. result not yet known. He further classified himself as 664th national from Narbonne against 7156 p and also the 59th internat. San Sebastian against 1958p in 2008. He has never missed his prize.

A half-sister 08-3129872 of “the Soustons” ( out the same father) has already won the 125th nat Soustons ’09 and the 32nd national Pau in 2010.
Another half-brother 07-3191008 (also out the same father) was in 2009 the 21st Ace pigeon of Belgium in the extreme long distance, in his career this chap has won 6/6 in extreme long distance races with thereby 153th nat. St Vincent II in 2008 and 94th nat Pau in 2009.
By Vergaerde – Denolf the pigeons are coupled on the 20th of Marc hand breed a round of youngsters, then they are trained and raced. The couples (cock and hen) are basketted for a 1st (international) race with a small youngster. In the following races the nest position only plays a subordinate role. Yearlings race at least 1 x 900 km or more as tests. The old birds sometimes 2 or 3 international competitions. The youngsters are only trained for a maximum of 4 Clermont races.

(Inter)national flashes from this duo!
2nd (inter)national Soustons yearlings 2010
14th national St Vincent III 2006
75th national St Vincent III 2006
14th + 54th + 64th national St Vincent III 2008
18th + 43rd + 49th international San Sebastian 2009
20th + 75th Internat St Vincent Franco-Belge 2006
32nd national St Vincent 2003
32nd national Pau 2010
45th = 49th national Pau in 2004
58th + 94th national Pau in 2009
59th internat. San Sebastian 2008
68th + 125th national Soustons 2009
72nd national Pau 2005
91st national Pau 2007
73rd + 78th + 84th + 94th + 103rd + 106th internat St Vincent Franco-Belge 2008
185th + 187th national Barcelona 2009.

"Our aim is to stand by the top 100 national a few times every year”: says the duo Vergaerde – Denolf…
Let us say that up until now, as fanciers with the small basket and with only a small number of pigeons, they have been 100% successful in their aim….they form the model example of successful long distance racing with only a small number of pigeons and then via the nest game.
Our warmest congratulations to Mrs and Mr Vergaerde – Denolf… this was no easy feat !!

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